Educational Services

Kinder Kare caters for children aged 0 to 12 years old. Our long day care classrooms for children aged 0-5 years old are divided into the age groups below.

Sunflower Room for children aged 0-2 years old. We aim to provide a safe and nurturing home away from home for our littlest treasures.

Butterfly Room for children aged 2-3 years old. The main aim here is to make them more independent and to get them ready for the transition to the preschool age group.

Rainbow Room for children aged 3-5 years old. This is where our Early Childhood Teachers deliver our acclaimed School Readiness Program to make sure your child is ready for big school when it is time to go.

Kinder Kare also provides Outside School Hours Care for children 6–12 years old. This includes school bus pick-up and drop-off from the local schools.

Step Through a Virtual Tour of Our Purpose-Built Facility

Fee relief from the Australian government is available for eligible preschool aged children. Find out how you can save in addition to your Child Care Subsidy entitlements.